Full Exclusion Services
East Tennessee Wildlife Management offers a wide range of high-quality pest control and management services, including exclusion services. Our exclusion services are aimed at keeping your property inaccessible to wildlife.
Our full exclusion services cover the entirety of your property. This service first comprises of a complete inspection of your property. After the inspection, we identify the ways through which the wildlife causing the issue got in. If there isn’t an active issue, we inspect for areas that different wildlife could easily compromise.
Your home does not necessarily need to have entry and exit points for wildlife to infest. Wildlife can make their way through vulnerable structures with little resistance. Wildlife can maximize even the smallest of opportunities. After we identify all entry and exit points and possible entry and exit points, we seal them permanently using appropriate materials. We specifically choose materials that cannot be breached.
If there’s an active infestation, we trap all wildlife before sealing all possible entry and exit points.
We consider our exclusion services as part of long-term solution in keeping residential and commercial properties free of wildlife.